Conference presentations
Kean, E. B. (2024, October 8). Navigating the Evidence Synthesis Landscape: Is a Systematic Review Right For You? 10th Annual University of Cincinnati Data Day Workshop Presentation, Cincinnati, OH.
Robinson, C. & Kean, E. B. (2022, April 29). Devising a practicum experience using the Medical Library Association professional competencies: A program review. Medical Library Association Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA.
Charbonneau, D. H., Vardell, E., Huber, J. T., Kean, E. B. & Shapiro II, R. M. (2022, April 29). Publication trends of LIS faculty teaching health-related courses. Medical Library Association Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA.
Fried, E. & Kean, E. B. (2021, May 22). First, authenticate! Collaboration between midwifery educators and health sciences librarians. American College of Nurse-Midwives 65th Annual Meeting & Exhibition, Austin, TX.
Fried, E. & Kean, E. B. (2020, May 29-June 2). First, authenticate! Collaboration between midwifery educators and health sciences librarians. [Educator workshops canceled.] American College of NurseMidwives 65th Annual Meeting & Exhibition, Austin, TX.
Bennett, S., Leist-Smith, M., & Kean, E. B. (2019, April 4). Conducting an Integrative Review:
Interprofessional Collaboration. Concurrent session at Association for Nursing Professional Development Annual Conference, Phoenix, AZ.
Bennett, S., Leist-Smith, M., & Kean, E. B. (2019, April 3). The State of Professional Development Research. General session at Association for Nursing Professional Development Annual Conference, Phoenix, AZ.
Kean, E. B. (2018, May 5). When the Stars Align: Successful Examples of Interprofessional Collaboration for eLearning and Instruction from a Health Sciences Library. Paper presented at LOEX Annual Conference, Houston, TX.
Kean, E. B. (2018, April 5). Information Literacy at a Distance: Meeting Students Where They Are. Paper presented at the Annual Joint Spring Conference of the Academic and Special Sections of the Kentucky Library Association and the Kentucky Chapter of the Special Library Association, Carrollton, KY.
Kean, E. B. (2018, March 3). Faculty Librarian Challenges: Using Technology to Foster Connections. Paper presented at 3T: Teaching, Techniques & Technology Conference, Batavia, Ohio.
Kean, E. B., Striker, B. B., Barber, K. M., & Yurkowski, C. (2017, May 22). ILS migration as enhancement opportunity: How a local history department leveraged a digital repository migration into a better user experience. Paper presented at the Ohio Valley Group of Technical Services Librarians Annual Conference, Cincinnati, OH.
Kean, E. B. (2017, March 3). Location, Location, Location: Librarian faculty office hours at liaison college. Paper presented at the Annual Joint Spring Conference of the Academic and Special Sections of the Kentucky Library Association and the Kentucky Chapter of the Special Library Association, Cadiz, KY.
Kean, E. B. (2016, April 15). State of the KLUnion: What’s new with Kentucky Libraries Unbound. Interactive session presented at the Kentucky Public Library Association/Kentucky Library Trustees Roundtable Spring Conference, Bowling Green, KY.